Resurrection Day is here and there is so much to be thankful for! Today is a day of remembrance of what Jesus did for us on the cross, He overcame death and resurrected on the third day just as He said He would. Because of what Jesus did, we can be redeemed from our sins and have eternal life! What better way to celebrate than to listen to some great Christian, Resurrection-related songs/albums. I have put together a top 5 list of my favorite songs to listen to this Resurrection Sunday, I hope you enjoy!
1. Back Up To My Feet by Brett Raio
Back Up to My Feet from the Resurrection album by Brett Raio is definitely going to be no. 1 on this list. Along with Back Up to My Feet, also on the album is the title-track "Resurrection" which is a heartfelt song about God's redemption and how Brett Raio's life was resurrected from his old ways and how God has changed His life forever. The song has a up beat yet deep feel to it and the lyrics are very well put together. Brett just released a whole album on Resurrection Sunday to celebrate and honor the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
2. Resurrection by Alexander Reign
Resurrection is a amazing song by Alexander Reign about when He was going through a time in his life where He was waiting for God to bring Resurrection in His life. God certainly delivered on that and made this His number one hit song that changed his whole music career. Resurrection is a very up beat engaging song that really captures your attention and has great personal lyrics you can relate to as a Christian. Definitely go check it out using the link down below.
3. Rattle by Elevation Worship
This song by elevation worship is a Powerful song about Jesus resurrecting, and dry bones coming back to life. The song is called rattle because a person's bones begin to rattle when they are being raised from the dead. The song is both about symbolic resurrection, and also literal resurrection of the dead, through the power of The Holy Spirit.
4. Thank God by maverick City, Upper Room, Dante Bowe
This song is a very well know song with the famous catchy saying get up get up get up out of that grave repeated over and over again. Now I'm well aware of the hot water that maverick city has recently been involved in unfortunate\ly. But I definitely think at the time it was made this song was definitely inspired by the Holy Spirit. This song always gets me into a good mood when listening to it. It's very up beat and can definitely help you if your having a bad day.
At the Cross is a great song by Chris Tomlin. It's a more slow paced but intimate song about Gods infinite love for us . It really makes you feel Gods amazing love for us and just really puts you into his presence and peace when listening to the song . Christ Tomlin is also a well know Christian artist with many other great songs.
We hope you enjoyed this top 5 list of best Christian songs to listen to this Easter for more blogs and content like this please be sure to check out the rest of Kingdom Clarity and all the great content that we have for the glory of God. I hope everyone has a good day God bless!